The Essential Guide to Body Re-composition: Men's edition
This fully comprehensive guide will lay out a step-by-step plan to allow you to build lean muscle whilst losing body fat; this is the essence of body re-composition and will result in a strong, healthy physique that is as impressive visually as it is physically capable.
There is a long-lasting myth in fitness that to build muscle you need to #bulk and to get ripped or lean you need to #cut. The reality is however the body is remarkably capable of doing both, particularly within those new to strength training, so long as your nutrition is well managed. This guide will lay out the science of body re-composition as well as providing the nutrition and exercise principles needed to achieve it.
This guide includes a 12 month progressive training program.

What you will get
5 science based chapters, 20+ scientific references and 100+ pages of nutrition and training information along with a 12 month program
An understanding of body composition and how to work out your starting point
Detailed guide to estimate your calorie intake for optimal body re-composition
How to establish your estimated protein, carbs and fat intake including how to establish portion sizes
Detailed explanation of monitoring changes with body composition and how to adjust your diet as you go
Overview of the most optimal way to train to build muscle whilst losing fat
Which exercises are most optimal for hypertrophy, includes detailed look at functional anatomy
A detailed 12 month training plan which includes exercise selection, exercise substitutions, rep ranges, number of sets, rest periods, warm-up protocols and coaching points for exercises
Also included with the Essential Guide to Body Re-composition for Men:


Frequently asked questions
This program is ideally suited to those who have some training experience, by this I mean some knowledge of the gym and how to perform resistance exercises. It is also best suited to those who have some generally good nutrition habits and knowledge in place. If you are completely new to exercise or working on your nutrition I suggest going through lean lessons lean habits first to build the foundations of good nutrition and regular exercise.
The training program is set up for 4 days a week in the first 6 months of the training program and 5 for the remaining 6 months.
This depends on the injury, there are substitutions for all the exercises detailed in the program so they may allow you to work around the injury. It is recommended you do not do any exercise that causes pain.
The workout program is designed to be done in a gym, it can be run in a home gym provided that you have some weight training equipment such as a squat rack, bench, barbell and dumbbells along with sufficient weight plates (ideally up to 100kg)
No this is an e-book which is downloadable
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The Essential Guide to Body Re-composition: Men's edition
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