Get in the best shape of your life, achieve your ideal body and stay that way. For good.

I've helped over 1000 clients become the fittest, leanest, strongest and healthiest versions of themselves... now it's your turn

Healthy habits are important now more than ever, here’s what you can expect from my 1-2-1 total body transformation coaching

A plan that fits for you and
your life

I always start with your goals and needs.  Then develop a plan to help you eat, move and live better in a way that works for your body and your life

Achieve your goals even- when life
gets crazy

I break your big goals into small daily practices that add up to massive changes, you’ll develop healthy habits that become your new norm and last a lifetime

No more weird restrictive 'diets' or unrealistic workouts

Contrary to popular opinion you don’t have to go to extremes to get amazing results, in fact overly strict diets and gruelling workouts are often counter productive long-term.  I’ll help you achieve your goals without flipping your life upside down

Getting the accountability you need and the support you deserve

As your coach I will remove the guesswork and give you accountability, support and direction every step of the way.  I’ll help you stay consistent no matter what life throws at you



Firstly, you fill out an extensive questionnaire which allows me to assess what is required to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.  Then we will have a coaching call either via the phone or video call (Zoom, Skype, Facetime), this allows us to chat more about your answers and allows me a greater understanding of you and your goals.


Following this I will get to work developing a bespoke nutrition and exercise program for you along with habits to start working on.  This will be truly bespoke to you as my coaching is collaborative meaning that we work together… as after all if I gave you a workout plan that you couldn’t follow or a nutrition plan with food on you can’t or won’t eat there is very little chance of you following it long enough to see results.

Nutrition plan

Your nutrition plan will be delivered in the form of suggestions for meals, portion sizes, calorie and macronutrient breakdowns.  It will ensure you are eating enough food and getting in the nutrition your body needs as well as ensuring you are losing body fat.  I also have an extensive number of resources which will be shared with you when needed including recipes, meal planning and preparation, eating out, food storage times, how to track your food intake, cooking, nutrition for shift work etc.  You will share your food diary with me via an easy to use app.

Exercise plan

Your exercise plan will be delivered in the form of specific workouts to complete each week, exercises detailed in the plan will have links to video tutorials on how to perform them correctly as well as substitutions or alternative exercises.  The workout plan will be tailored to whether you will be using a gym or working out at home.  You will also be given guidance on how to track your workouts and a log will be provided so you can detail important information such as time, weight used, reps completed, distance covered, intensity, step count etc. 



Over the next two weeks, you get started with your plan.  I will be available to answer any questions via WhatsApp or Facebook messenger getting back to you within the hour between my working hours of 9:00-18:00.    


Every 2 weeks we have a 1-2-1 coaching call, this is where we will talk about how you are finding the plan and work through any barriers or difficulties you are facing.  This is where my extensive experience and knowledge of behaviour change and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) truly sets my coaching apart as I can help you with any struggles such as emotional eating, your relationship with food, stress management, mood, motivation and sleep.  If any changes need to be made to your plan we make them during the call, we will also look at the changes in your measurements and markers of progress.       


We continue with coaching until you reach your goals and are happy to go it alone, my intention is to provide you with the tools to maintain your progress in the long term.  The knowledge and insight you gain during coaching will last a lifetime.

How much is coaching?

My 1-2-1 total body transformation is £49 per month, you pay for the first month after our initial call and it then renews each month thereafter.  This is extremely competitive compared to alternatives as you get a bespoke nutrition plan, bespoke exercise plan and 1-2-1 support with a world class coach with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition, exercise and behavior change.

So is this all online?

Yes! the coaching is delivered entirely online, coaching sessions are done via video or phone call, ongoing messaging is via Whatsapp, Facebook messenger or email and your plan will be delivered via email or hosted on Google docs.

How long does coaching last?

How long coaching lasts depends on where you are now and the goals you want to achieve, typically the range of weight loss is 1-2lbs a week.  The average time my clients have coaching for is 5 months.  My intention with coaching is for you to be able to maintain the progress you achieve long-term and to give you the tools and education needed to do so during the coaching process.  

Frequently asked questions

It involves truly bespoke training and nutrition programming, frequent support and weekly in-depth video feedback. But, most importantly, you’ll be signing up to work directly with me, and I pride myself on my track record in producing amazing results and supporting my clients every step of the way to their transformation!

Every 2 weeks! I’ll send you a check-in form that will provide me with information beyond what I can acquire from tracking your training and nutrition alone. The check-in form will inform me of anything you might be struggling with, your likes, dislikes, any changes that might be required, your energy levels, mood, sleep, weight etc. Using this information, along with your exercise and diet tracking, I’ll provide you with personalised  feedback where I’ll highlight areas in which you’re doing well, things that can be improved and what we need to work on moving into the following 2 weeks. All this ensures we’re consistently moving towards your goal at a rate that you’re happy.

Absolutely, when I create your plan, I’ll keep in mind both your level of experience and your goals. I work with beginners to advanced lifters. Upon sign up, you’ll be required to complete a questionnaire; this will provide me with all the information I need to design your plan. If you’re a beginner, I’m going to ensure you achieve fantastic results in the quickest possible time and eliminate the guesswork. If you’re an advanced lifter/athlete, then I’m going to ensure I take your training and knowledge to the next level.

No, you don’t need a gym membership. When I create your plan, I’ll design it around the equipment you have available. Having said that, if your goal is to build muscle and you have no equipment, then I’ll usually recommend either joining a gym or purchasing some basic equipment; like a set of adjustable dumbbells and a bench, or a set of resistance bands.

All exercises in your workout plan will include a video demonstration with the key technique points for performing them correctly.  There are instructional guides and videos on using equipment correctly.  Although I cannot be with you in the gym when you are working out I will always encourage you to make notes and we can go through teaching points during the coaching calls as I have a gym at my home to go through demonstrations live.

No, I’ll design a plan to fit around your lifestyle. Most of my clients train 3 to 4 times per week, but I have clients who train once per week and have others who train over seven times per week. I’ll design the plan around what is optimal whilst ensuring it’s realistic.

You will need the following to do online coaching with me and all are required to have before starting:

  • Working body weight scales
  • Dressmakers measuring tape
  • Smart phone for using a food tracking app and step count (or you can use a Pedometer, fitbit or smart watch)
  • Food scales

This really depends on your current situation but as a very general guideline clients tend to lose 1lb-2lbs a week, taking a gradual approach to losing body fat is always the smartest way to do things.  Fast weight loss, although initially appealing, often results in a re-bound after 3 or 4 weeks.  I always say that fat loss is like the tortoise and the hare- slow and steady wins the race.  Always.  If you have a vacation of wedding or some other event you are planning to get ready for and fat loss is a part of that it is important to be realistic about expectations, there is a lot of nonsense out there such as 12lbs in 2 weeks but the reality is that this is not achievable and will not be a healthy way to lose body fat and get in shape.  If there is a time scale that you have then we can discuss this and I will lay out what I feel is realistic and achievable but do take time to think before hand- if the weight loss time period you have in mind averages out to over 2lb a week then I may not be the best fit for you coaching wise.

Coaching involves a much more thorough look at your nutrition and because we will be speaking one to one, I am able to talk through nutrition with you much more in-depth.  Meal plans can be helpful, and I make sure my meal plans have detailed instructions with them but as they are a one-off service, they never allow you to speak to an actual person (me!) about how you are getting on and navigate the inevitable ups and downs of the fat loss/muscle gain process.

Yes, absolutely any preference with regards to the types of foods you eat for ethical reasons can work great with the flexible dieting approach I employ in my coaching.

Yes, I can advise on dietary supplements during coaching however they are not required.

In the strictest sense no I will not tell you what to eat, I will give you guidance around the main food groups and help you understand calories as they pertain to energy balance within the body.  Of course, I have a long list of resources, tips, suggestions and ideas to share with regards to specific foods but as you are the one eating them, I don’t literally tell people what to eat- after all if I told you to eat bananas but you hate them this would not be very good coaching!  I will work with you to understand nutrition, the different food groups and a balanced diet but you will be the one choosing the foods you eat.  The main reason for this is because, as I outlined above, having control and flexibility with your eating and the foods you choose is incredibly important for long term results.

This all depends on the pathology of any of the above that you have, I am qualified to help people with diabetes, obesity and PCOS.  Any allergies or intolerances that you have with regards to foods can be worked around but I will not be prescribing any kind of diet or food to help manage or treat these.  I am not able to diagnose or treat any medical conditions and if you have any queries or concerns you should always speak to you GP in the first instance.  If at any point during coaching your health changes then we will pause coaching until any treatment or diagnosis is finalised.

If you have a history of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, then we are able to work on your relationship with food and eating behaviours but as these conditions are psychological if at any time there is a pattern of disordered eating behaviour then we will stop and a referral out is suggested.  Binge eating is much the same, if there are regular binges occurring then a referral for further psychological support is often advised.

If emotional eating is something you are struggling with then the focus of our coaching sessions will likely be more on improving your relationship with food, developing healthier eating behaviours and alternative coping strategies as opposed to focussing solely on fat loss.

Simply fill in the form below or get in touch with me here and I will get back to you with the initial questionnaire and schedule your first call!

Final Note

Take one small step today toward better health and the body you’ve always wanted… no matter what’s going on around you.

Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve felt the peace of mind that comes with good health, the confidence to do what you truly want, or energy throughout your entire day.

If you’re ready to have the body you deserve and get control of your health and fitness once and for all, I am ready to help you. No restrictive dieting. No all-or-nothing workouts. Just a science-proven program that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle—and a world-class coach there to support you, every step of the way.

I have dedicated my professional life to helping people transform their bodies through nutrition and fitness.

This is your opportunity to become your healthiest, strongest, fittest self, and learn how to stay that way for good.

If you’re interested in potentially working with me, take one small step today and schedule your initial coaching call with no cost or obligation. 

I hope to have the opportunity to help you transform your body and life forever.

But the next step is up to you, there is never a ‘perfect’ time to start