Hi there, i'm marcus!

My fitness and nutrition journey has by no means been a straightforward one, I originally studied automotive design but shorty my first year of work I noticed something… I was becoming increasingly out of shape , was fed up and miserable…

The most orange I have ever been…

I decided at that point I was going to change direction and ignite a past passion with fitness.  I became  a certified personal trainer and started training people in local gyms.

I went head first in to my own fitness goals as well gaining more knowledge and implementing various strategies eventually competing in a mens physique show.

As I began to train and coach more clients I began to understand the importance of nutrition and psychology so went back to university to study n MSc in nutrition and health behavior change to learn more about these subjects.  I have worked with 1000’s of private clients and NHS patients over the last 9 years.

My philosophy is that although any 'diet' can work on paper taking a more flexible and compassionate approach to your nutrition and fitness is the most sustainable way to achieve your goals and manage your health and body for the long term. After all anything can be followed for a short period of time. What can be done forever is important.

This is about lifestyle change


Level 4 Personal Trainer

CSCS Strength & Conditioning Coach

MSc Human Nutrition & Behavior

Certfied CBT Therapist

My mission in creating Southgate Fitness is to give you the knowledge and confidence to incorporate the best possible nutrition and training in to you lifestyle

Many of the points I make will directly contradict the conventional wisdom you’ve been brought up with. However, as you’ll see, all of my information is research-based and supported with years of experience and extraordinary success. If you are open to new ideas and willing to follow my advice you will see results.

I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you eliminate stubborn belly fat, gain strength, and build the body they’ve always wanted.